First off, apologies to MoonDoggie and Ebbo for this post being so delayed! It's been on my mind for days, but life has just interfered with blogging!
On to the good stuff - this is what I opened my door to the other day - how often do you get a package that coordinates with your doormat??!!

Opening the package - look, there's a kid inside!

Beautiful packaging...the suspense is killing me by now!

Oh, my breath was just taken away! It's my custom-order, smaller version of Ebbo's "Unified Front"!

MoonDoggie and her husband Ebbo being the lovely people they are, included a special gift as thanks for being their first international customer!! I am so touched! It's a portrait of me, Tikimama, and Miss May and Miss June as little tikis! I tried getting them both to pose, but Miss May was feeling too shy. Miss June is never too shy, so here she is!

Now, if you read my last post, you'll remember how I was envisioning an art wall in our dining room. Well, the lighting in this room, just did not allow me to hang this piece on that wall - it's too dark! So, above my little kitchen desk (where I do my blogging and spend lots of my day) it goes! The Tikimama and Kids piece is propped up there for the time being, until I find a good way to hang it. They make a nice introduction into the tiki lounge, which you can see through the door, heading into the family room.

I just can't thank them enough! I am starting to feel like a real art connoisseur!
Find more of Ebbo's amazing art and MoonDoggie's stylish mod graphics and some of her vintage finds at her
Etsy shop and
Misi shop. She runs
one super-cool blog, too!
same day I got the call that my
Derek Yaniger prints were framed and ready to be picked up, so they got hung on the art wall. From the left: "Let's Flat Git It", "Enchanted", "Moai Munchkins" (which came with the set of four tiki mugs), and "Wildsville".

By the way, you should be able to click on any photo to see it bigger and get all the details of these great pieces.
Where oh where, you may ask, is "Gotham City" by
Veronica Diago?
I just thought it was getting lost in the Yaniger prints, and needed its own spotlight! So, it now hangs where the big sunburst clock hung, the clock got moved to the other wall, and the art that was there got bumped into other rooms! Whew!

Now, of course, I'm thinking I need more Diagos! Ha ha! That will have to wait until our budget improves! Make sure to check out Veronica's
blog and
shop if you haven't already! It looks like she's got her first
print up for sale for only $20!!! More, Veronica, more!