Sunday, January 9, 2011

52-Week Pickup Challenge - Weeks One and Two

Inspired by 365 projects, like Synthsis' "Minus 365" over at his blog, Just Another Statistic, I have decided to challenge myself.  Now, most of these projects require you to do something every day, but I know myself far too well to attempt that.  I am going to post weekly about something I've done to declutter, organize or otherwise improve my home.  I may also post about something healthy I've done for myself, since I truly need to get in better shape. We'll see about that!

So, for last Week 1, I listed and sold a jewelry armoire that I've had for years and really don't use anymore.

For this Week 2, I have listed one of two vintage stereo consoles I own! Yes, two. vintage lovers know how this comes about. First, you're at an estate sale and spot a bargain too good to pass up, then months later when you're cruising around Craigslist for no good reason, you find one you like even more. Well, this is the one I decided to list, so wish me luck on getting it out of here this week!  I feel like I'm off to a good start....with a long, long way to go.


  1. gah! i want that jewelry armoire! i need one so badly, but i missed out on yours!

    been a long time, but good to see you here again! happy new year to ya! :)

  2. Love that console! What does the "better" one look like?!

  3. Drollgirl - I wish I'd known! I would've given it to you! And I'm glad to be back, thanks!

    Rhan Vintage - I'm working up to a post on the new-and-improved living room!

  4. Kudos to you for the de-cluttering charge! It's so easy to acquire things (as you pointed out) but so much harder to get rid of them. I love hearing these concrete steps you're taking, and I know you'll feel better with each thing you can allow out the door.

  5. hey you. hope all is well, and just wanted to thank you for your sweet comment. :)

  6. Look at you go! It feels good to get rid of things, doesn't it? Though, if we lived near you, we'd help you get rid of that stereo. :)

  7. That console is awesome! I have that exact same armoire! lol

  8. What's this??? You own two...? And you never told me? I'm disappointed in you. However, I love your consoles. Nice to see that you've been posting.
