I've been so busy and overwhelmed (more on that later), and I've gotten sorely behind in posting anything. I *think* about it a lot, but actually sitting at the computer and writing (rather than reading everyone else's blogs, well, that's another matter.
I've been wanting to showcase some blogs, links, posts, etc. that I find amusing or whatever.
Here's the first, a brand new blog I stumbled upon
http://purrfectkat.blogspot.com/ by a French girl living in Dublin, Ireland (sigh). She has featured a friend of hers who's an intriguing artist.

^^Tommy, if you're reading this, I thought of you, I think you'd dig her stuff!^^
Check out http://www.virginie-b.com/
or her blog : http://zombiegirlshouse.blogspot.com/

Not for all of you, I'm sure, but I know some of you will really love her style.